February 17, 1951. Dr. Melvin Cohn, Institut Pasteur, Paria, France. Dear Dre Cohn: Thank you very much for your courtesy in sending the MS. copy of your paper with Jacques on the ©e cold ML galactosidase. This favor, together with various hints in Monod's recent, but infrequent, letters, and with other less reliable sources, lead me te the inference that I was remies in not having done the same on the occasion of writing my own paper on the K-12 enzyme. I am sincerely sorry about this embeaion; if I had known that you had also had a rather parallel centribution in the works, I would cer- tainly have made a point of it. May I however point to two circumstances: a) my own paper was written in considerable haste, just as I was packing for a long trip to California. The MS was mailed as we were leaving town, and proofs were corrected se we were driving back through Nevada or Utah. I was never very satisfied with the ns., especially with ths rather sloppy detaile on lactatic activity, and on the extent of lytic activation, but I have been asked by several people to domment the INPG technicue, and it would have taken a great many more months to fron out those details. Another unfortunate consequence of this haste was the loss of a paragraph which literally just slipped out during the typing referring to the Nonod-Torrian- Gribetz note on lactase. I did net see the Am. Inst. Pasteur account until much later. But more important, I had long since written to Moned about most of the detaila, especially the im -activation effect. Not having heard that you had been working along similar lines, I had no reason to suspect that you would have any special interestg in a subject which fie not at first sight of much general interest. Ag you might wmsoect, I read your paper with sone enthueiaem. I shall look forward especially to seeing the details of your immmochenmical anelysis, which appears to be approaching a remarkable contribution. Lately, I have been isolating a number of distinct E. coli strains which csn be crossed with K-12, and each other. Some of these have distinct sometic antigens, and I had hoped to fellow up an immunclogical analysis to determine whother they might not have serologically distinguishable lactases. It might be possible then to determine whether the determination of enzym:tic and serelogical specificity might be genetically separable. Your demmnstration of the cross- reactivity of Serobacter and two colf lactases in somewhat of a damper, however. At any rate, 44 is quite apparent that we shall have to lean quite heavily on your exciting werk in this area. A word about the ms. iteelf. (let: on p.9 you have a reference to tableII which should read III}. One of the ways in which I ran into the Na activation came from the fact thet ethanolamine (in -EA-citrate buffer) was markedly in- hibitory at quite low concentrations. Is it vossible thet the tri~ethanolamine 4s also inhibitory, but that its effect is already maximal (4.2., the competition with H” ¢ already complete) in the concentrations you used in your buffer teste. This could shew up by differing sensitivity to K or Na in different TEA buffer concentrations. One of the most puzzling features of the ionic activation is the nature of its effects on the enzyme kinetics (p. 385 of my paper), which suggested a partialy overlapping of the adsorption site with that of the substrate. This picture which I proposed as a merely formal one is given considerable substance by your discovery that the nature of the cubstrate determines the kind of response. I could net find in your data the mmans to distinguish between effects on V, and on K,. M/600 ONPG is eceens Berea ny a K-12 enzyme in Teabien ionic environments, whereas M/18 lactose ost, will be under most conditions. 4s part of a general study on thia curious phenomenon, one of the graduate students at the enzyme institute is studying the ionic effects on K, (measured as K, against ONPG). I will forward his findings as they come up. To date, he has been purifying a batch of enzyme (from 150 g. dry celle - which I understand is quite puny compared to the output of the bactogen), and claims that cold methanol pptn. is a superior technique ¥ A first teaction might be that duplication such as ours might be unfor~ tunate, but after a little reflection, I am convinced that this is not so, especially because of the diversity of material and approaches used. I would be prepared to discuss any suggestions you might have for planning which lines of work should be followed in the different laboratpries, but I think this is probably less important than a frequent and honest exchange of information. I will admit that this 1s likely to be lopsided, because my facilities are relatively quite limited, and I can spend only a part of my time on enzymological problems (for which reason it is, of course, the genetic aspects which are of closest concem). Probably, 1 have already mentioned (to Monod) a mutation leading to the constitutive production of galactosidase. For the present, this seems to be allelic to the Lac, mutation (which blocks adaptation to lactose but not to alkgl galactosides’ ). Neolactose (altrose-galactoside) does not provoke lactase, but is attacked readily by it, again separating the adaptive res- ponse from the enzymatic attack itself. (imtxnetxutengingxthetxneninctess mightxeembinaxniihxthaxenz This property of neolactose was the basis of the original isolation of the constitutive mutation. Gmkiaxgemm Cat cells grown on glucose are optimally adapted to ONPG but not to galactose, so that I doubt if it can be a matter of intracellular production of self~adapting galactosides. We are twa studying now, but unfortunately only slowly, the interattion of Cat‘ with other genntypes, in hybrids and in mixtures. I would Bive a good deal te have a system in coli K-12 which adapts a little more rapidly so that something sould be said of rates of adaptation; from this point of view, Stenier's enzymes are much more satisfactory (aromatic oxidases in Pseudomonas). We found this summer that adaptation could be prevented there with uv, without affecting enzyme activity (his material is not affected by DNP or azide!). The UV-inhibited calls were sueceotibae to photoreactivation, showing merely that the photoreactivable process is actually, in some senses, a terminal one. Ye thought that adaptation was more sensitive than viability, but the patent clumping of the cells makes this rather uncertain. With Deutsch on leave (if only that?), there is a certain hiatus in immmo- chemistry on this campus. How would you assess the chances of viskt back here on your part?~ or are you planning a more permanent emigration? Meanwhile, Alain (Bussard) has been showing me and devloping a few tricks in paper electrophoresis. *xcept that thie technique readily shows the heterogeneity of K-12 lactase (aseayed on the paper by spraying @IPG), nothing has come of it yet. Ces fap (Boil, 9 Bete) Sincerely, PS: Do yéu want the ms back? Joshua Lederberg