December 4, 1951 Dear Esther: Thanks a lot for the nice picture. It will survive as a good souvenir of those delightful days spent last year in Madison. Glad that your work is proceeding well. Covering mine, I had a paper in the last issue of the [...] Institut Pasteur, on lysa induced by X-rays in lysogenic bacteria. Another one will appear in the January issue of the J. Gen. Physiol. on Restoration of irradiated microrganisms by catalase. This work seems to reveal a mysterious link between restorability by catalase and lysogenicity: K-12 (lysogenic) is powerfully restored; B/[?] very very little, and B not at all. Lysogenic Megatherium 899 is powerfully restored; [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] non lysogenic Mega Mox, derived from the former, is very little. The irradiated system K-12 single infected with T2 is restored (as regards T2 growth); the irradiated system B-T2 is not. etc. I'll send you the reprints when available. Please send me your's (including Josue's). Best regards to you both, and thanks again Sincerely Raymond L.