1956 Nov 20th Dear Professor Lederberg, I am returning the reprint which I inadvertently appear to have carried off in my hurried departure from Wisconsin, and I should like to take this opportunity of thanking you for your hospitality. I very much regret the last minute curtailment of my visit and the unscheduled rapid exit. I do apologize for both, and for my apparent lack of [ . . . ] that day. However, in spite of this I thoroughly enjoyed what time I was able to spend with you and was disappointed at having to leave so abruptly. Please convey my apologies to both Tom Nelson and Newton Morton who I had hardly time to talk to. We are leaving for the U.K. on December 15th and although I return to the Uright-Keming[?], I have no concrete plans for the future until I have time to look around in London. Many thanks once again for your interest and hospitality. When you are next in London, I hope you will allow me to reciprocate, Sincerely yours Roystan Clowes