STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY October 1, 1951 Dr. Joseph Lederberg Dept. of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: we are sending you a culture of our stock K-12 which we keep simply by transfer at appropriate in- tervals. We do not have any lyophilized cultures and I know of no laboratory that may have one. Our strain appears to give a rather large number of smooth colonies on plating. We have 25 or more strains of E. coli which we have had in the laboratory for many years, most of them dating back about 20 years when studies on phage therapy were in progress. I can send you cultures of these if you so desire. Sincerely yours, LE Lao C. E. Clifton CEC/ss