September 25, 1951. Dr. C. E. Clifton, Department of Bacteriology, Stanford University, California, Dear Dr. Clifton: We are starting to do some serological work with the new interfertile atrains of Escherichia coli described in the enclosed rephint. It would be gratifying to be able to use strain K-12 in this work, considering the backlog of information we have on this strain. Unfortunately, our cultures are extremely rough, and have almost completely lost their somatic antigen. I wondered whether you might not have a better culture, or might perhaps know whether {t had been lyophilized in your laboratory or elsewhere prior to 1944. If you have any other E. coli strains that you think might be worth while subjecting to a very simple test for croasability, I should be grate- ful for the opportunity of testing then. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg.