“Dapt. of Physics U. 8. Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, Calif. 16 Mareh '54 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Asso. Prof. of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Tisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg? As far as TI know, there is nothing in the Literature of the subject of chemotaxis aside from mere descriptions of observed chemotactic phenomena. MNolisch (1) describes a number of these, which seem to support the general idea that an abrupt decrease in “metabolic rate" is associated with a tactic response. Working along this hypothesis, in an attempt to identify this association more specifically, Z am currently making a fairly exhaustive study of the influences of light and oxygen on phototactic and aerotactic responses, and on the rates of photosynthesis and oxidative metabolism. It would - be interesting to see whether Salmonella exhibits a similar correlation between tactic behavior and metabolic activity. This could bechecked with such things as substrate, acid or alkali, and oxygen. A sensitive method of detecting aerotaxis is the followings A slide, spacer, and cover glass are joined with vaseline to form acell in which a moderately turbid suspension of micro-organisms is contained. Tha spacer, of glass or aluminum, showld be about 2 mm thick and 1 cm in diameter. After the suspension has achieved a more or less “ steady-state condition in the cell, a small air bubble is {ntroduced by prying the cover glass slightly. Accumulation or withdrawal from the bubble can then be observed. Contradicting ths above hypothesis are the action spectra wfxuanxxxrexe for phototaxis of many algse. In these cases, which I referped to in my third article, light absorbed by chlorophyll does not appear to be concerned with phototaxis, Sore fen the carotenoids alone being active. ow The energy for motility does not appear to be derived directly from early metakolic pathways, but rather from some... sets stored source. The evidence for this is scant; it is found to some extent in Engelmaann's writings (2,3). . The mean speed. of locomotion of Rhodospirillua reabrul ,was found by Thomas and Ni jenhuis (4) to increase with tex jerature in the usual: manner; I have also found this to be tijwe. On the other. had, Y have noticed that such factors as 1i*ht {ntensity and presmce or absence of substrate have no observable influence on the Re Méd motility of R. rubrum, except after several hours. These . factors certainly govern the occurence of tactic responser, at least in the purple bacteria. T hope that this sketchy account will be of some use to you. Also, I believe that there is lote of stuff in the literature, of which T am not aware. A person who agght be of conséderable help in this matter is Max Delbrilok_ Division of Biology Calif. Inst. of Tech. Pasadena 4, Calif. Sincerely yours, . . whe bedbriek a Roderick Clayton 1. Molisch, Die Purpurbakterien nach neuen Untersuchun » Jona, G. Tischer, 1907. 2. EngePmann, Pfidg. Arch. f. d. gos. siol. 30, 95(1883) 3. * » Botan. 3tg. 46, 661 (1888) 4. Biochim. et Biophys. Acta 6, 317 (1950) EE eR se EER wl