EO Gj [Beran pad 66 filename: memopad [12/17/02 many of these are notions for SAM columns] NxM may be "Next Move" an early title for SAM Memopad/Items 1964-66 manual on IBM tab cards includes SAM/Recordex cards Aug 14 1978 If productive efficacy is the figure of merit - how have we made it? Social tax to pay people for what they do contra what they are. Do we need such steep graduate. Jun 23 1966 Is journal publication obsolte Jun 19 1966 Scientific Basis for Social Reform? Anomaly of the Doctor draft Jun 21 1966 Morgenstern - quality of statistics Jul 8 1966 CO2 on Mars + significance Jul 15 1966 CSHA primitve symbols Hubel/Spinelli ( ) Jul 15 1966 CSHA VD penicillin Jul 15 1966 CSHA Interstellar Comm Jul 15 1966 post Apollo? Man to Mars 1 adv of pure consumption for technology 2 there is no coherent "scientific opinion" + not - thinking what are priorities Jul 15 1968 Psychic self-realization ESP vs maturity Essays on Chardin [Clara] Thompson Jul 15 1966 SCHA Boeke - scales [cosmic] Jul 15 1966 SCHA ESP Jul 15 1966 IBM - SBC - Computer utility (low cost inputs - phone dial TTY ) Jul 15 1966 Schelling contra Peusch Bargaining -->miscommunication Jul 15 1966 CSHA Insecticides/contra Carson no date Stonehenge - "barbarians" Would our successors credit our intelligence in the evidence of our social misery? [white piece of paper/no date] 415-327-6014 401-274-3786 11-12 PM Kuhn will she now release funds for 270x Carl Sagan 617-UN4-7910 202-223-6000 Max Siegel John Bowers N Zinder J Kuhn no date Shell Inchiesta #5 Shell Genova Laurea a piu levelli laurea e occupazione Prof Carvillo Pellezzi Pol Sci Firenze Franco Angek’ed 7% pinn. univ. Send Wad my S/R _ Science Winch - Mate Choice 4.28.67 World Univ. [Waddington] Eiduson-Scientists Basic Books Huxley Essays of a humanist 1964 Harper & Row 80B higher education 7200B national b. res. <25,000 - GNP 53M population 10% illiterate 400K students CNR 30B univ 70% 1500 B total education news clip taped on paper No Confidence I have almost no confidence in machines, very little in doctors of philosophy, and none in experts. All suffer from the same ailment: they know too much and they know it too well. Clifford D. Owsley. Arlington Jul 15 1966 Uniqueness of the nunc Toffler | contra Toynbee Teilhard Huxley? Lippman no date reacting to excessive 19th century materialists (like me) Life =C Misuse of Godel= Laplacean dilemma in the end, all psychology is psychology Jun 23 1966 bad statistics e.g. negro fertility Morgenstern book Jun 23 1966 TNM - balance of payments & support of ed. buy ed in gun market Doctor Draft Sp books Sci. basis for social reform? evaluation Jun 23 1966 family planning and genocide no date Euph Center Demo Inst Santa Barbara N Yorker 11/8/63 no date if science as a system is breaking down and this is source of unconfidence have courage of convictions and contribute to reformulation think it through Jul 5 1966 Johnson Science ~6/27 reasons for science Lessing article 3 Fortune 7/66 Jul 5 1966 Fair use and copyright computer/datamation Jul 5 1966 NxM __ Primate Behavior Schaller de Vore Goodall ?Lorenz news clip 6/21/66 headline Memory Powers of Senile Aided by Experimental Use of a Dog[sic] [re pemoline] attached to card/no date NxM Cameron exptl design see JAMA RNA/memory Rosenthal Jul 5 1966 Congress and scientific advice BAS 12/65 Get Price The Scientific Estate Jul 5 1966 Objective measures of "input" Teacher vs Research or perish Jul 5 1966 Computers - how programs go awry =large complex systems need for controlled feedbacks to test consequences Jul 5 1966 NxM - Bellman/NYT limitations on computers Jul 5 1966 patenting computer programs how protect the trivial from being locked up no date FDA - drug pack safety patent medicine adv. and effectiveness no date land taxes and conservation 7/20/66 Column on Harris Committee itself Science editorials no date SAM Burnet Lancet 1/1/66 Impart < explicit sequence. When we know prot. synthesis is the issue we use semi-empirical methods no date Walter - sourcebook of papers on statistical reasonsing {Bodmer} no date S-A-M Is it our choice to turn off science Basic science teaches methodology Politics is gradually becoming "scientific" Aug 2 1966 SAM Technological requirements for peace. connect J Wiesner Jul 25 1966 Mus lessons Pearls call PM? Dave back - Betty saw column [Hamburg] no date SAM - how to get +’s from computers Ed policies transmission costs factors no date NxM Toffler Helmer NxM * Ok Man is now a mixed system autom vs cyborg (Toffler misappr) no date | SAM Money [J W Money] ~ on sum, harkaprrind: ward [7 check out - London_/DH where else precocious + IQ? ABO/mongolism Ann Eng 30:49 [Evans DAP Ann. Human Gen. Jun 23 1966 International funding for universities Open market for teachers.... no date mutants in M lysodeileticus? Salton has a synth medium no date Dave Hogness chromosomes Italy project SES [socio econ status] SAM Tatum Science 7/25 Stan Rogers Super elements Ghioso ref Spectrum [IEEE] Whom around the country do I want here Jim his student Luca via SCIUS Dec 5 1963 strategan concl more attention to department personalities roles, planning Strategan Edna [Forsbey] what more can she do to help me plan? Simpson GG This View of LIfe Chase CIBA O.E. Opp. [Off Eq. Opp.] Julius Richmond re census Head Start The operation or valuation of "DENDRAL order" or synonymously “vector value" or simple "weight" will be used throughout this exposition. An expression may be trusted as a compound number, with cells x.. in a designated hierarchical sequencing. Thus we may have W1=(...v14, v13, V12, V11). The most significant cell is written first, in close analogy to the digits of an integer. Similarly, to compare 2 vectors, corresponding cells are scanned from left to right; the first inequality determines the relative value of the 2 vectors. Note that any cell may be itself a vector. When terms are missing, the expression is right-justified. i.e. leading empty cells are freely suggested. Write a plausible model worth setting up. 6/13/65 The next move topics premises of academic life - detachment and full time counseling needs for euthanasia patent and copyright policy - the policing problem serialize this optimizing medicine. research on the scope of human needs. e.g. relatively little work on analgesia Fluometry Antheranol spontaniety >C=0 diagram Hindered biphenyl] for fluorometry? diagram can’t be planer Graphite - Fluorescence? Photochemistry? diagram Strategan plan to plan Larry - document [Tesler] algol program Magnus - combinatorial groups John Pilree Engstrom - RCA Adm’ Rickover E Fubini DoD Draper (MIT) Ed Barlow V.P. aerospace corp ask Harold Brown re AEC Dan Flickniger USAF ret Jerry Wiesner Dean Woolridge no date the 10*10 problem. Regional specialization & world culture education problems in train now -->viz postdoctoral fellowships no date DNA thru put hypothesis: test by release no date Bistable molecules for computer memory Electric (electret) Optic Opto electric write - like viticon.... Light activates switching in a field; electrostatic read. Stary field induces switching; optical read or electrostatic rad (like charge distr e.m.) no date Maintenance records on inventory Moses no date formal analysis of mechanism of transformation some questions 100 species of molecules (a) any adsorbed molecule is active 1. Adsorption is selective 2. Any molecule is input and waits for a homolog no date Chem Rev 63: 269 1963 Science 8/24/64 Q2 - carneis no date Lab Hangover postconjugal fragmentation of chromosomes from <62 no date Comp-Plot package in "Blink" no date Morphine addiction model of psychosis selection models? - glia no date Thermal resistance subtilis...., Radiores Nature 7/14/62 8/62 Greenberg no date Westley toxic peptides no date Dendral Duration: what is the simplest organic which is not yet known (likely to be stable) In some areas, already well explored May point out gaps in knowledge molecular form from standpoint of synthesis or useful properties no date Salts K/NA Subtilis Proteinogram 10 Strategan Info Management System Machine compatible flexible KWIC on a category term or ?use IBM 1401 no date 1 Optical correlation methods 2 Patents? no date Census - inheritance of given name occupation "role" re Disease; “performance” Autism - Dreaming Dement 10/7/64 10/15/64 - Betty Hamburg comments on usual sleep disturbance in autism 1966 What is mental effort fatigue [Aug 14 1978 date cards retrieved]