ie “ a t x Seen Cee e NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES K-249 ¥ OFFICE OF THE FOREIGN SECRETARY 2101 CONSTITUTION AVENUE WASHINGTON, 0. C. 20418 TELEPHONE: (202) 334-2800 TELEFAX: (202) 334-3094 30 January 1998 Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D. Sackler Foundation Scholar Rockefeller University Founder’s Hall, Suite 400 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021-6399 Dear Dr. Lederberg, I am pleased to offer you an extension of your appointment to the Academy's Committee on U.S.- Russian Collaboration on Controlling Dangerous Pathogens through 30 September 1998. We value your past service on this important project and hope that you will be willing to remain with the committee. Extending your service through next September will allow the full committee to continue through the end of the study contract (30 September 1998). Your involvement is needed to oversee the eight U.S.- Russian collaborative projects instituted during the initial 12 months of the project. The extension will also allow the committee to advise DOD in its planning of a potential second phase of U.S.-Russian collaborative research on dangerous pathogens. I commend you for your superb work of the past year and for your fine report, Controlling Dangerous Pathogens. You have given the U.S. government a thoughtful and effective framework for continued U.S.-Russian engagement in collaborative research on pathogens of BW concern. If you have any questions about your appointment or other matters relating to the committee, I suggest that you contact Dr. John Boright, Executive Director of the Office of International Affairs; his number is 202-334-2800. I hope you will agree to continue your service in an area of importance to all of us. I am confident that you will continue to make a significant contribution and to find it an interesting and rewarding experience. Sincerely, Aa” \ F. Sherwood Rowland ; Foreign Secretary