K-240 — THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY pro bono humani generis 1230 YORK AVENUE - NEW YORK, NEW YORK. 10021-6399 Joshua Lederberg UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR March 1, 1996 Hon. Madeline Albright US delegate to the United Nations U.S. Mission to the United Nations 799 UN Plaza New York NY 10017 Dear Ambassador Albright: My colleague Dr Toby Rodman mentions having conversed with you at the celebration for Seth Glickenhaus at the American Jewish Congress the other evening. The topic was global health, and diplomatically attractive initiatives on the US’ part. It is hard for me to believe that Tim Wirth has not already put the enclosed document in your hands, but in the event I am also sending it on. He can of course fill in many further details on where this "CISET" initiative stands in the process of being put before the president, perhaps for a PDD. If your work at the UN does engage you with global health matters, please remember I am just a stone’s throw up the East River, and very much involved with these issues, and as an adviser to many USG agencies. Oshua Lederberg