May 17, 1950. Dr. Raynond Latarjet, Laboratoire Pasteur, ‘Institut du Radiun, 26 Rue d'Ula, Paris 5, France. Dear Latarjet: Since my letter of May 1, there have been some modifications of plans which could bring you here. A meoting of the informal Midwest Virus Seminar, fubds for which are administered by Dr. Leo Ssilard at Snicago, is being arranged for June 10-11 to be held here in Madison. However, I am told that these funds could be used only for your expenses here ani in travelling fron Chicago to Madison. To cover your trip from Cleveland to Chicago, the Institute of Radiobiology unit Biophysics at the University of Chicago is arranging a seminar which they hope you will find time to give enroute from Cleveland to Madison, probably either on Juna 9 or 12. I think that you would be able to route your flights Cleveland - Madison - Chicago- Cleveland witnout great difficulty. I hope that you will be abls to work this progran into your itinerary, and we are looking forward to seeing you. Slave the arrangements from now on are mora in the hands of the Chicago group, I suggest that instead of calling me fron Cold Spring Harbor, that you phone either Br. Szilard or Dr, Aaron Novick, at tne Institute of Radiobiology.... Their phone nuaber in Chicago 1s BUtterfield 8-4800. It would probably be advantageous for you to write ahead when you expect to be able to call them from Cold Spring Harbor. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg CC: Ssilard/