o WEALTY g o %, greets ©. iad Mona DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service "Maverg Centers for Disease Control Atlanta GA 30333 March 1, 1991 Dr. Joshua Lederberg University Professor The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021-6399 Dear Dr. Lederberg: This is just a note on behalf of my colleagues in the Center for Infectious Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control to say that we applaud your leadership in the Institute of Medicine's study of Emerging Microbial Threats and your leadership in putting this subject before the concerned public. We may be biased, but we think this is a very important subject, a subject in need of some attention. We are proud of our record in dealing with the infectious diseases and etiologic agents of disease in recent years -- after all, primary crucial discoveries and innovative intervention strategies by CID/cDC staff members are at the heart of national and international programs dealing with many infectious diseases/agents: Marburg & Ebola viruses Venezuelan encephalitis virus Legionella pneumophilia Dengue viruses Staphylococcus aureus Measles virus (Toxic shock syndrome) Rabies virus Reye syndrome Lassa virus HIV/AIDS SSRNA diarrhea viruses HTLV-II in this hemisphere E. coli 0157:H7 Influenza virus (Hemorrhagic colitis and Group A streptococcus Hemolytic uremic syndrome) Drug-resistant malaria Haemophilus influenzae aegyptius Human herpesvirus 6 (Brazilian purpuric fever) Hepatitis C virus Erlichia spp (human erlichiosis) Hepatitis E virus Rickettsia spp "Hepatitis X" virus etc. And there are more to come. Some critics have said that cDC is ill- prepared to deal with the new and emerging threats of today -- it is true that we in the Center for Infectious Diseases are suffering substantial fiscal woes, but we are not destitute and we have not given up a bit of our verve as the torch has been passed to a new generation of infectious disease epidemiologists and laboratory scientists. For example, just look at what my colleagues have done to resolve the question of emergence of HIV in the setting of medical/dental invasive procedures. All this is by way of saying that we would be pleased to help in any way possible in the Institute of Medicine study you are undertaking -- we can provide many kinds of resources -- you need only call. Best regards. Sincerely yours, Director Center for Infectious Diseases