October 21, 1989 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University 1230 York Ave. New York, N.Y. 100e1 Dear Or. Lederberg, Thanks so much for your time and interest in our Film about the 1940 New York Institute lab at IBM. Thanks, too, for the loan of your nephew's videotape. It seems to us that there might be a market for it in synagogues and religious schools - many of them main- tain shops for their congregations and communities. Groups like Hadassah should also find it interesting. We had an excellent meeting with Barry Blumberg at Oxford and Filmed him in the Fellow'’s Garden. There are dates arranged to film Henry Platt, Robert Jastrow, Pierre Rinfret, Irving Lazar, Roy Glauber, Win Arias, Charles Yanofsky and ane of the women from the lab. Along with Tomy Tannone and Eric Svaigsen, already on Film, I think we'll have an exciting group. We look forward ta seeing you on November 2éend. Doris Storm JACOBY /STORM PRODUCTIONS, INC. * 22 CRESCENT ROAD * WESTPORT, CONN. 06880 * (203) 227-2220