6 Rockefeller\ THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY ma University /Z 1230 YORK AVENUE : NEW YORK, NY 100214 Lr o* March 9, 1981 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Mr. E. G. Sherburne Science Service, Inc. 1719 N Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20036 Dear Mr. Sherburne: Have you attempted any systematic follow up on the careers of Westinghouse Science Search finalists? I would be particularly interested in comparisons of the first place winners with the runners-up. If such a study has not been made, but you do have (up- dated) names of the cohorts -- say up to 1965, I can arrange a bio- and biblio-graphic survey. Please provide whatever identi- fying information -- or pointer to a directory like AMWS -- that you can properly offer that might help in verifying items from the literature (dates, schools and universities attended, field of interest). Yours sincer Jo hua Lederberg ( Alumnus of merican Inst. Sci. (98