STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CES TER PALO ALTO. CALIFORNIA ne December 15, 1960 [0 Professor Wilbur Cohen School of Social Work University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigen Oser Professor Cohen: { epprectste having been asked to serve on the Cannittee and must apologize that the cambination of a snart tn air transport here and my otner arrangements ft. stated ay attending your first meeting. This is a rather mdaord tine of year for ma but | hope to remain In touch with you and perhseps especially with fr. Cook of the other members of your Camittee by telephone and will nske avary effort to attend at least the conclusive meeting. Partly to make up for my imeancy, } have tried to do some homework for the Committee's objective and have esked Dr. Cook to transalt my cw reconmen= ces ans to the meating, having forwarded them ower ths telephone. You should then heve seen a copy of then but to be sure of thelr sccurate transcription, { am enclosing two sets herewith for your further consideration. The Idea of the Academy of Health has been the most strategic Item that i could think of that fell within the Instructions of Mr. Sorenson's letter; however, | hope that the continued Implementation of the Jones Recommendat lons om Federal Support of Medical Research will not be Ignored as a matter of the iighest value and urgency even If they do not now represent entirely new directions of federa} activity. | hava been cble to discuss the Academy proposal with a number of my colleagues and have found very considerable enthusiasa for it. There mey be soms ‘egal problems In establishing It as @ corporete entity though thay might perhaps bz circumvented by taking advantage of the charter of the existing Nations! Academy of Sclences. If the matter reaches this stage ] would recommend that you consult Dr. Detley Bronk at the Reckafeller Institute as President of the National fcademy of Sciences. It should be pointed out that the RAS does hove an affiliated division of medical sciences which hes done a considerabie amount of special advisory work and Is headed by Or. Kelth Cannan. However, this division hes no counterpart [n the ectus! membership of the Acadeny Itself and In fact, It could not fulfill the kind of funetica of popular recognition that the preposed Academy of Heelth would do. In accordence with Mr.. Sorenson's suggestions, | heve else edded a page of recomucoded langueze concerning an announcement of an Academy of Health and other aspects of cur medical research orogram. Whether or not the Acedemy STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER PALO ALTO, CAMIFORNTA Cee: Cohen! BONE. 2 December 13, IK ctw af Med one Code e hE At proposal {s adopted, and it should certainly be given Intensive study during the next few weeks, | would strongly urge that the Inspirational value of the President's addresses not be overlooked and that a strona statement on science and medical research on ths part of the Prasident would be highly esteemed by our colleagues throughout the world. { earnestly hope that this work will have been of some uso to you even in the default of my om presence. With most cordial wishes, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics ce: Dr. Cook, with copy of Lederberg proposal Enes.