NOTES SN A TECUMICAL INFORMA TIO SYSTED Jochua !ederberg Purposes Of an ideal system and how to get one. First | ask the nurnoses of a communications system in science--Tukey hes summarized them nicely as a switching sroblem. How can | netateain contact with a relevant samole of the community of knowledge? Three aspects: (1) prompt, detailed and reliable awareness of contributions of other workers in specialized field of interest (2* contact with broader fields of scientific advance, oarticularly those peripheral to my own specialized interests (3) retrieval at my initiative of specific data in the past archives of recorded knowledqe. A single system will nct need all these needs. ‘le should not ignore or distort the casuictic aspects of publication. The responsibility in attaching one's name to an assertion irretrievadly in print is Indispensable to the integrity of the scientific process. The opportunity of ''contributing to human knowledge’! formalized in the act of publication is a motivational foundation stone cf scientific activity. Re- trieval searches are often impelled by a humanistic obligation to under- stand science, to display the historical antecederts of new discovery, a perspective that may be more important than the inherent fastructional value of the prior art. (At least each generation deplores the lack of this perspective among its own students.)* The present system has generated two responses: the defeat of neuro- tic frustration for some, the compromise of narrow specialism for others. | feel the survivorship of humanistic science demands a better solution. Nor can technical progress coast indefinitely on the progressive narrow- ing of fields of interest that is the specialist's practical answer. There is no-perfect solution, certainly not just retrieval alone. But whet energies we have could be used more constructively if we could rely on the system for timely information instead of spending the effort and anxiety we all do now in fighting it with our own versonal retrieval systems. As members of a scientific community we have a deeply rooted obligatior to interact with the "literature. Not so much the size but the dispersion and formlessness of the institution make this en ever more hopeless asp#ration. A conventional soiution will be to redefine the literature! as that part of our scientific legacy t@ which we have *Citation indexing can mak2 a special contribution here as well as aiding the search for specific items of fact and new approaches to old orobiems, routinized aceess, but the still present possibility of foolish rediscovery will still generate as much uneasiness as our present conceptions of priority and the personal motivation of discovery will insist. My suggestions are very simple and not at all original. They incorporate several of the ideas that Bill Know discussed in ''compacting the literature''-- but | can't agree that we can rely upon self-discipline. Page charges would be disciplinary influence if the U.S. did not pay them. Now they work in reverse since an undisciplined author can justify his verbosity to a journal by Uncle Sem paying for it! We have to create an economic market which will so far as possible be self-enforcing to achieve gen- erally desired ends. 1 can best illustrate my proposal by making it almost too explicit and referring to my own field--equally detailed corrections may be called for apart from the principles illustrated here. First let us define, for an initial experiment, a large primary community of NIH grantees both generators and users of scientific informa- tion and already heavily subsidized for the efficient prosecution of their studies. Proposal for a depository system together with select journals. 1, The National Library of Medicine (NLM) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) should distribute its Index Medicus biweekly to this community (if you wish read this ''make clear that NIH grant funds are properly used to purchase such subscriptions'' as they doubtless now are). 2. The NLM should expand and liberalize its ''loan'' services--journals should not complain of copyright interference when they are eligible for other forms of implicit subsidy. These procedures will further help to fix the NLM as a central information nexus in the health sciences. 3. The NLM should announce thet it will act as a depository for scientific manuscripts from this community. These manuscripts can range from brief technical reports such as might now be submitted to Current Biophysical Communications to carefully written, lengthy and thoughtful reviews. 4, By analogy with ASTIA, NLM will announce titles (with or without abstracts? promptly in the Index Medicus and distribute copies on request to this community. The depository materials will also be used for in- tensive experiments in deep indexing, citation indexing, etc. insuring the widest penetration of retrieval operations into the collection. NLM would also establish regional and international repositories at which copies would be available for local scrutiny. There are obvious fubther possibilities for data links. >. The ground rules of the depository would include a. Prompt acceptance and distribution of papers from the community on proviso of critical review of two other members of the same community. Some page or article limitation may be available on the discretion of the accepting office. b. No paper may be withdrawn once deposited--as with journal publications the author's reputation is permanently attached to it. The author, of course, may submit amendations, corrections, etc., to be attached to a previous submission. The possibility of doing this is already a substantial advantage over present publication means. c. Deposits would in general not be reviewed centrally in order to speed the availability of the papers to the community. However, if abuses become evident, the NLM office might have the discretion to abbreviate the title and abstract of, say, the third and subsequent contributions each year from a given author to ''Contribution No, my This kind of procedure on the one hand insures that no contribution is ever entirely excluded from the archives, and on the other allows for some degree of discretion in taking abstracting time, and space to broad- cast news of a deposit. d. The author might certify to having read editorial suggestions on format and non-redundancy; in due course he might also be asked to submit descriptors or citations on prepared punch cards to facilitate data processing. Sequential papers should be written as addende to previous ones insofar as requestors can always obtain these concomitantly and abstracts will indicate the connections. e. Authors will attach ''MD No, '' to their own reprints, taking place of the preprint system. But unlike informal preprints, authors will be formally responsible for them as equivalent to publication and may be quoted or criticized in the corresponding literature. Ff. Authors may also submit the same articles to journals to be published at the journals! discretion. Author or editor may annotate the MD Noi article to indicate such publication and also to indicate any critical amendations. | 1 an article is accented in a journal of wide 4 currency the NLM might temporarily suspend its own distribution of coptes if this is required for reasons of economy. | g. An updated citation i:dex might be attached to each MD for subsequent distribution; in any case this could be routinely furnished to the author if not comprehensively published. 6. Positive role of depository plan a. Prompt and widespread availability and indexing service should make this an attractive vehicle for publication of contemnorary firdings in a timely but resvonsible form, Much of scientific advance-ts secuenttia! and the importance of prompt information to accelerate rew discovery and minimize unnecessary duplication is not widely enough understood. That contributions can take a full year to come out [In print is an absurdity of modern science. The central denository would facilitate retrieval operations. {ft would also discourage the redundancy imelicit in perinoheral publication end the irresponsibility of gossiz and "invisible colleges''. The connection of NUM with granting functions should further encourage the use of the system especially insofar as the deovosits vould do mltinle duty as project rerorts (and otherwise obviously facilitate ''scientific inte! ligence! within NIH). b. The depository would also facilitate the publication of ex-= nensive archival documents--e,g.taxonomies--which may be of critical importance but have too JimnFex a circulation to justify journal or book publication. c. Authors prerogatives or abuses? Will the system be abused if depositio:. is so readily available? The same fact destroys ‘much of the motive for abuse--there is no implied prestige in the deposit of n pieces of paper which have nassed no hurdles, and there is negligible waste Meanwhile a substantial load can if they are not broadcast, only listed by title. be ftueen off the jeurnals. 7. The depository ard its retrieval system will meet indicated reeds where the user must take the initiative--needs which journals fill in the most chaotic way: current awareness and archival retrievel. But Fe pe nepeann ga sas NGM cre at I AH E tr nmesnagn eet the journals continue to play a critical role in scientific culture-- they are broedsides on which | would rely to bring me unasked the best or overtly most interesting of contemporary science. The journals should ‘revert to being select journals. They shoufd be few enough thet | can hope to scan the ones nearest my own field. They should stress reviews and commentaries (facilitated by hetter retrieval) that will help guide An me through the literature and find new connections through it. They should discourage useless redundancy. They should be légitimate sources of crestige. They should be attractively and durably produced. Cne useful Journal! would be exalicitly chosen as a periodat reports-reprirt. series in various fiellds. . Present journals do not meet these criteria wt hoppy secon viens the sFusbn is the jovsnals atleast murenumerous - * worse, The depository system may, however, take much of the moral pressure from them, especially those published by societies. And other constructive measures--through the details of inevitable federal subsidy=-can he elaborated. {| would prefer to see the overall level of journel output boiled dowr to about 19 ver cent of its present level where | could start to cope with it. At least its further exponential growth=--much of it somewhat cynically motivated to exploit present confuston--should be frozen immediately. This in itself, together with comoetition from the repositories, should gradually upgrade the journals to be ''select journals'' or at least whatever the readershiz wants them to be. The scientific societies should be especially sensitive to fulfill the requirements of their members under this definition of journal publication. 8. Economic impact on journals. The federal government is already in- extricably involved in the economics of journal publication, if only through its massive support of research, and through indirect payment for advertising and through various hidden as well as overt subsidies. !t can hardly withdraw from the fields it should recognize and rationalize its responsibilities. Government obviously can have no direct negative impact on journals 5y suppression--but it can favor the most useful patterns (a) through the competition of sources and readership and fb) financial subsidies for the qualified journals. ideally, a journal should be judged in ia'matrket of scientific reader- shin, its own subscribers. The page charge Is a subsidy levied at the wrong end and particularly hard to justify im parallel with @ depository system. It should be revoked in favor of subsidy to subscribers, nanely the grantee community, to facilitate their choice of and influence on the journals meeting their own needs. As a mechanism, say, * per cent of grant funds might be automatically available for the purchase of such communications at economic prices. New profit-making journals pose a difficult problem. If authors in trying to organize services and cooperations on an international basis. A health sciences repository would be a very useful contribution to establisk technical aqood will in other countries es AEC has already done. We should ao far beyond NLM in this, but ft would be a good next sten. Conclusion. The intended result of these plans would be 2a dual communi- cation system. A centralized repository would provide the range of materials that | would soecify as being required for my immediate and retrospective information requirements. Concurrently, select fournals with hich standards of selection and editorial quality would maintain my contact with the breadth of scientific culture. Practical means ere proposed for este lish- ing such a system on a competitive basis with a minimum of central duress.