From 11/19/85 ---- Notes for an autobiography; collected for a dozen years. 6/86 cf. developmental outline in J/biog-themes {....} should be read as footnotes. ~ denotes material that requires authentication (e.g. dates) or elaboration. Chapter Outline: 1. INTRODUCTION 2. Early years, 1925 - 1941 3. Columbia College, meeting Ryan, learning Neurospora 1941-45 See P269 4. Columbia Medical School & Yale: discovering K-12, 1945-47 See P269 4A. HAZ/JL Intellectual history of bacterial genetics See P267 5. Wisconsin - exptl. work in microbial genetics 1947-58 K-12 mechanisms (Hayes, Wollman) genetic control of enzymes: B-galactosidase transduction lysogeny (lambda) plasmids (F) replica plating Mechanism of penicillin; protoplasts Streptomyces chemical mutagens - Selrrryrehs fo Varta, SA. Berkeley, Calif. UCB 1950. Korean War; McCarthyism 6. Wisconsin - starting a department of medical genetics 1955-58 7. Melbourne - Fulbright with Burnet, Immunology 1957 Other European travel Somatic Cell Genetics 8. Stockholm - Nobel Prize, 1958-59 9. Stanford - starting another genetics department; milieu 1959-78 Medical School 10. Calcutta - Stanford - exobiology, Viking mission mass spectrometry lab; Planetary Quarantine; SETI 1960 ff. NASA Andromeda strain: combines BW, exobiol,R-DNA 11. Washington - Pres. Kennedy Health Team; (IOM) 1960 Panel on Mental Retardation. Brain Research PSAC / information 12. Stanford - own research program, molecular genetics 1959 ff tye a fs ren 2 4hGhs DNA splicing 13. London, ... Symposia on genetic engineering; algeny 1962- ff berrakef Japan 1962 6 14. Stanford - artificial intelligence research 1965 ff ete DENDRAL project, expert systems ACME, SUMEX networks 15. Mexico, Palo Alto - consulting with Syntex, Djerassi 1960-70 Bringing Syntex to Stanford Industrial Park 16. Washington - W. Post columns; policy themes 1966 ff SAMS — S09 vy . aX 17. Philadelphia - ISI: Citation Indexing 1960 ff Annual Reviews 18. Stanford - Environmental research. Chlorine. Carbon 1970 ff 19. Berkeley - Cetus, gene splicing commercialized 1971 ff Asilomar (RDNA controversy) 1975 Affymax; other biotechnology 20. Geneva - BW disarmament treaty 1970; cf pandemic teaching in arms control at Stanford 21. Bethesda - NIMH - Mental Health Council 1970-74 Nixon’s Crusade against cancer NCI - Pres Cancer Council 1979-81 22. Stanford - CASBS - POSTS 1970-75 History and Biography; Wyatt; Stent; pre/postmature Tatum memoir Begin autobiography 23. Stanford - Human Biology curriculum Undergraduate education 1965 ff Other S.U. committees, ed. policy 24. Geneva - WHO. Tropical disease research 1970’s Forfend Pandemic. AIDS. BW 25. Washington National Security consultation 1974 ff NYC/Wash - shuttling once a week. Science Policy National Medal of Science 1990 26. New York - Rockefeller University 1978 ff giving up lab for leadership role 27. 1990- back home in lab... Date b& Fat 28. New York - NYC; NYCP; Academic-Business Comm Relations Carnegie Commission and other foundations 29. Ruminations: -- where is contemporary science, as career, as substance Human prospect (NEC). 30. --- Brief personal autobiography, 1946-... marriage, divorce, childrn 31. Stanford - NYC - Process of Biography 32. 29? What would I do differently on rerun. 33. 22? How terminate a biography? Cf 26a