2 THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY _. 27/ a 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 F “> October 16, 1987 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. Maxime Schwartz Deputy Director of Institut Pasteur Institut Pasteur . 28, rue du Docteur Roux 75724 Paris Cedex 15 FRANCE Dear Maxime: My wife and I wish to express our very deep appreciation to you and your colleagues for having given us the opportunity to participate in the celebration of the Centerfial. It was an outstanding event to celebrate an outstanding circumstance and we were very happy indeed to have been able to take part in it. As promised here is a slightly revised and neater version of the manuscript that I left with you. It seems to me that it would be just as well to leave out my introductory remarks in French since they will be of much less significance to the general reading public than they might have been for the audience. However if you want to pre- serve the flavor of the paper as being a documentary record then I leave it to you if you would want to still include it. I am sorry not to have had a chance to discuss more with you the genetics of E. coli. The multiple manifestations of lambda resistance have always been fascinating and it has been very gratifying to see that.story unfold. | Actually all of the phage resistance markers have turned out to have other very interesting physiological properties. I do not recall, and. do not know whether you would remember, whether anything was ever straightened out about the association of Tl resistance and tryptophane auxotrophy which occurred in Luria and Delbruck's experiments with E. coli B. I did not find that in K12: has anything ever come up about that to your knowledge? I should take a look*in the Neidhardt volumes on E. coli that have just come out from the American Society of Microbiology, and will surely be the encyclopedia for some time. Dr. Maxime Schwartz October 16, 1987 -2- I have an invitation from Madame Madeleine Brunerie and Professor Fantini to return in June to, join the historians (a league I. have begun to join as a junior member) and perhaps I will see you at that time, if not even earlier at the January convocation that M., Mitterrand and Elie Wiesel are organizing. Lb. P27/