HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF SociaL MEDICINE AND HEALTH Po icy LEON EISENBERG, M.D., Chairman 25 Shattuck Street Presley Professor of Social Medicine Boston, MA 02115 and ‘Professor of Psychiatry 617-732-1710 23 December 1986 Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D. President, The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Dear Josh: Hardly had I opened my copy of the Christmas issue of Nature than I was greeted by your bar mitzvah picture! With that vividly in view, I was taken aback to learn that the discoveries made by the young Talmudist are properly judged to be "post mature." The very foundations of my epistemology turned to mush: could it be that my favorite scientist suffered from progeria? What is there left to hold on to when precocity is transmuted into senescence before one's very eyes? Glad tidings of the season aside, I did very much enjoy both pieces, your short history of genetic recombination and the provocative article with Harriet. I'm particularly glad you chose to make the point about Ryan and Tatum as exemplars of "nurture, dignity, respect for others, and above a regard for the advance of knowledge." As a small Chanukah gift, I enclose a recent reprint which I trust you will find amusing -- and perhaps even more than that. Yours siycerely, Leon Eisenberg, M.D. LE:CF / / Encls. Me J ert elt Re od