March 21, 1975 Mr. Charles C. Renshaw, Jr. Editor Prism Magazine 535 North Dearborn Street Chieago, Illinois 60610 Dear Mr. Renshaw, I was most gratified to receive your invitation to contribute to Priem on the subject of Opportunities and riske {n research in DNA recombination. I am already wall acquainted with the magazine and believe it would afford an excellant opportunity to bring an informative discussion of these Problems very appropriately to a larger audience. However, I do not know if I am able to furnish you with the dramatic polemic that you may be interested in. I have no interest in continuing a controversy with Dr. Hardin and you may wish to withdraw your invitation after seeing what I would intend to offer, I am enclosing & copy of the letter to the New York Times that attempts to correct some published in the article that you had undoubtedly seen. The erticle that apppeared {in Science, March 14th 1975, is a rather better reflection and moge accurate record of my statement ot the conference, realize that my style in such writing tends to be rather Germanic. I think I can assure you that I can straighten out a good deal of that having had quite a few years of experience in writing « newspaper column on somewhat @imilar subjects. I send it to you net as a atylistic example but to give you soma idea of the range of content of material that I would like to cover, and something of the perspective from which I would do 80, If thie te agreeable to you as an alternative to what you had requested, I will be delighted to polish up this writing and I am sure I can send it to you in good time for your deadline. I think I can get most of the main points across in the 2,500 word limit although this may prove to be somewhat confining and something like 3,000 or 3,500 might be more appropriate. Please let me know your pleasure in that regard or rather what latitude might be available. Mr. Charles C. Renshaw, Jr. ~ 2 = 3/21/75 I would also strongly suggest that there be a bit of simple artwork in connection with illustrating the basic procedures for DNA insertion. I am enclosing a copy of something that also appeared in Science magazine that gives the general giet of what I am talking about although I would want to sketch in some alterations. If, as I suspect will be the case, you are interested in this, please let me know the most convenient procedure (from my standpoint!) for submitting this material. Sincerely yours, Joshua Ledarberg Professor of Genetics JL/rr Enclosure