MEMO FROM TO: TX J. LEDERBERG br, Perr RC GENETICS DEPARTMENT RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA JUL 14 1970 The arguments for stringent control of féerearms seem to me inescapable. I do not favor psychiatric-swearing, but do believe that the underlying motives of those who have hindered such legislation call for careful analysis. (However, I also feel it is point- less to swear at what we regard as social paranoia; we do better to try to think of the therapeutic measures by which we can ackn complish constructa@ve change. ) Why guns? I simply could npt think of a more apt example; snd I try hard to be an anti-escapist, i.e., to project complex and abstract issues back on to the realities of contemporary existence. You may be interes- ted in some other examples of this in the writings enclosed. And of course I was exer- cised by the traumatic incidents of recent history. a uv I could have used dynamite just as well,or a thousand others. Perhaps a psychiatric group could make a further contribution by studying and repor- ting on the foreseeable side-effects (mostly favorable in my view) of gun control legisla- tion. For example, I think your statement might have stressed how the prevalence of guns makes for half accidental, hatf-intended homicides out of quarrels and angers that might have been siw self-limited otherwise. Sincerely, eco! ay Wie