Imwin Tl. Pern, M.D. 2231 TAYLOR ROAD CLEVELAND, OHIO 44112 MULBERRY 1-1100 July 10, 19°70 Joshua Lederberg, Professor of Genetics and Biology Department of Genetics Stanford University Stanford, California 94405 Dear Dr. Lederberg: I was most impressed by your Adolf Meyer Lecture at the American Psychiatric Association meeting in San Francisco and was struck by your focus on the problem of hand guns as a prototype problem with which our society must deal. As I recall, you ended your talk with particular reference to this issue which was of particular concern to me and to those of us in the Ohio Psychiatric Association who have pushed for some action by the parent organization. A resolution on gun control by Ohio at the Assembly meetings in November, 1969 was narrowly defeated. This same resolution was again introduced this year, and a letter pertaining to this, embodying the resolution was published in the April, 1970 Psychiatric News (see enclosed). On May 10th this resolution, sponsored by the Ohio and Michigan delega- tions, was introduced under the title of a "Resolution on Homicide Pre- vention", reflecting our feeling that this more accurately indicated our intent. After spirited debate, this resolution passed by about a 62% majority and will go to our Board of Trustees for further action. I thought that you would be interested in this step by the A.P.A. Assembly as the subject was quite controversial and criticized on a number of grounds - from those who opposed the resolution on grounds of belief to those who felt the results of such actions, if put into effect, would be meaningless to those who felt that a stand on such an issue was inappropriate to a professional medical organization. I was curious as to your own feelings on the subject and why you chose this particular issue to emphasize in your lecture. If you can spare the time, I would appreciate any comments that you might have on the subject matter of the enclosed copy or this letter. Yourg truly, Mba 12 INP :mw Irwin N. Perr, M.D., J.D. Delegate, Ohio Psychiatric Association to Assembly, A.P.A.