pa) fe / MEMO FROM TO: TX J. LEDERBERG F Goble RC GENETICS DEPARTMENT 6 aL RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY jeff fra h., STANFORD, CALIFORNIA /'d/% Af oe dee Cord. SEP 81970 f Lp te GOT I fully agree with Dr. Headle's over-view, . and enclose some of my own writings consis- tent with it. . {T. Dobghansky, in "Mankind Evolving" has written very well on this subject. For the extreme xen of geneticism, with which I generally do not agree, see Dartington, C.0. fhe Evolution of Man and Society". Most biologists would say that man is unable to evolve (biologically) fast enough to keep up with the needs of the environunent his culture is so rapidly changing~- and we must,as Beadle stresses, improve our cultural devices therefor. Sincerely, a 7 A Yo eek ‘ hw ~