SIPRI INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR’ PEACE AND CONFLICT RESEARCH Chairman: Prof. Gunnar Myrdal Sveavagen 166 Director: Mr. Robert Neild 11346 Stockholm SWEDEN Ass. Director: Mr. Jan Martenson Telephone: 34 96 00 Cables: Peaceresearch November 18, 1968 CGH/LS Prof. Joshua Lederberg Dept. of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford Medical Center Palo Alto, Calif. 94304 U. S.A. Dear Prof. Lederberg: Just back from a long trip to the Far East I have now been over your comments on the planning for the Nobel Symposium and feel that I must express my personal appreciation to you for having given this project so much though. Your comments will be of very great help to us - help we certainly need in this undertaking which is full of difficulties, one being that we tend to get such an overweight from the U.S. which is of course a natural phenomenon. I agree that the Symposium will principally have symbolic value, but at the same time there are certain current initiatives, like the establishment of a World University, where the Conference may consider- ably accelerate developments. In fact there is in close contact over this matter between the Stockholm Conference and the New York Conference: "Society in Transition" a month later. The latter may act as a second stage booster putting the project into an orbit where a major Conference, planned for 1970, may have a great impact. Just as an example of an unrelated stepwise development I enclose a copy of a paper which I presented in Vienna earlier this year. This is related to my personal involvement with BW-disarmament which has now caused me to take a year's leave of absence in order to coordinate the studies carried out by SIPRI . Our aim is to provide a substantial back- ground document particularly for the disarmament conference in Geneva, but I plan to split the text on conceivable initiatives at two levels: SIPRI November 18, 1968 Prof. Joshua Lederberg intergovernmental and non-governmental activities. The latter will be the subject for a special session at the International Micro- biology Congress in Mexico 1970 where Lwoff will chair a panel hopefully including both Housewright, Zhtlanov and a few other ex- perts to discuss the matter. Perhaps an "open laboratories club" Might be established where the members submit their facilities to a voluntary inspection procedure of a type we are now experimenting with (sample enclosed). On the intergovernmental level there might perhaps develop a similar bond between aid and compulsory inspection as there already exists within the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna. You have one of the most fertile minds I know, and if those notes give you any bright ideas, please let me know. Looking forward to seeing you next year in Stockholm. inger yours , \Z &) Carl-Géran Hedén ce: §. Nilsson Encl.