Columbia Gnibersity College of Physicians and Surgeons 630 WEST 168TH STREET NEW YORK 32, N. Y. DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY CELL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY January 35 1958 OFFICE: ROOM 12-201 TEL. WADSWORTH 3-2500 EXT. 7479 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Building The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisc. Bear Joshuas Being the benign old professor type I love to correspond with my former students if they write nice letters. Our interpretation may of course have been incorrect, though I hope not; but I do not believe our observations were. If your explanation of a selection process having occurred were right, I should have expected that we should have had more than the rare successes we recorded. We are, however, continuing along different lines; it is slow worke I was sorry to hear that you had been unsuccessful in similar experiments. pir Erwin Chargaff: eb