P-|23 June 24, 1965 Mr. Richard G. McKee McKee-Pedersen Instruments P. 0. Box 322 Danville, California 94526 Dear Mr. McKee: I was pleased to see the modular approach so fully developed in MPI-1000. Especially a few years ago, before we developed a full-scale engineering staff, this would have been very handy and I will pass on your literature in amy case. We have used the logarithmic circuits to record the log ratio (I.e. absorbancy) in 2-beam photometry. Works beautifully. In fact, that was Horn's original purpose in his design for the amplifier. We have had real difficulty matching the dynamic range of the amplifier by any other devices in trying to check it! My main comment is that you are five or ten years overdue, and that for any but the simplest needs, the digital computer will take over in signal proces- sing. I hope you are thinking of ways your equipment can tie into the inter- face problems, We are giving a lot of attention to brining computer channels* into the lab and welcome any innovations you may have in mind. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics *from a DEC/MIT LINC now; shortly to go to something at the level of an IBM 1800 backed up by a 360/67. QNaW AN