Columbia Gnibersity College of Physicians and Surgeons 630 WEST 168TH STREET NEW YORK 32, N. Y. DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY CELL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY December 10, 1957 OFFICE: ROOM 12-201 TEL, WADSWORTH 3-2500 EXT. 7479 Professor J. Lederb Department of Medical” Genetics Genetics Building The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine Madison 6, Wisce Dear Joshua: You were marked down for receiving immediately a reprint of the NATURE paper, but it is only yesterday that they were received. To make up, I am sending you not only this article, but also a bunch of other recent ones. You will see that you are being thanked profusely in our paper. Have you got on anything new in the way of media or other things connected with the production of protoplasts or their growing back? A synthetic medium would be highly useful for chemical work. Also, do you know anything concerning the permeability properties of the “penicillin protoplasts" as compared with the other brands? Best wishes and kindest regards, sincerely, Erwin Chargaff: eb