CABLE ADDSESS: World Cleveland « New York Office: 119 West §7eb Street, New York 19, N.Y. THE WORLD PUBLISHING COMPANY 2231 West 1ioth Street +» Cleveland 2 + Ohio January 9, 1969 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical School. of tye 1 j Palo Alto, California 94301 ss, Dear Dr. Lederberg: ~ Among the words to be included in the next edition of the New World Dictionary of the American Language is the term “euphenics." According to information available to me at this time, the word was originated by you, and for this reason I am writing to inquire about the origin of the term. J assume that it is intended as a 1 parallel with “eugenics™ and "“euthenics,"™ but I am puzzled by the AN ~ph-. For both of the other terms I can find Greek roots which i e have been used, but I can find none involving the -phen-. Since I have regularly included in the etymologies the name of the person who coined the word under consideration, I should appreciate knowing also if our information is correct with respect to your having coined this term. Please address your response to me at the Graduate Studies Office, University of Redlands, Redlands, California 92373. Sincerely yours > ZEEE LEE LOCAL Lore eee Ee E. Umbach Etymological Editor So The World Publishing Company \ N A Ds. rl WEU :cam Q ble: oH Q brad! catyid “euygbinecens pedid Dy. Lenn poo orl ee foe ceedant wn a. Kuper py “ FUPEMIKA . t* uM rr 0 chamguny AH gpersr De ye bane ape | om et t “ a 6 bh Cts we AA LE . A £ - aaa iLL. eS A LAAMK ay 2 wf - bf >