November 20, 1962 Dr. Helen Makela institutuwa Sero-Bacter!lologicum Universitatis Helsink!, Finland Dear Helen: i hope you will be pleased to hear that { have forwarded your S$. abony Hfr paper to Genetics, with only a few insignificant corrections. (Forward means bring over to Dr. Perkins In the Blology Department, as he Is now the editor). ! asked Dr. Perkins to deal with you directly In any further correspondence on the paper, though of course | will be glad to answer any questions. We will place a separate reprint order for our departmental requirements. It ts a very well presented paper ~ | wish the students here generally wrote as precisely. Life Is too busy <= and apologies again for this delay~-- but quite exciting, as you know from Gan. Esther and | are Just about the leeve for a CIBA Foundation meeting in London (Nov. 2630), then a week with Cavalll in Milan before a hasty return. As ever, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL: edf P.S. Joe Kersco has made a proper figure |. << copy enclosed.