MAD Inc i BS INSTITUTUM SEP j ¢ 1962 SERO-BACTERIOLOGICUM UNIVERSITATIS 59-1 179a/19 HELSINKI Helsinkg September 12th 1962 Dr. J. Lederberg Genetics Department Stanford University Medical School Palo Alto, California Dear Josh, This is the manuscript that I promised to send soon, The writing took again more time than I hoped, although it is mostly based on old data. However, I still hope that you would be kind enough to go through it inanear future. If the first paper is (or was?) accepted in Genetics I think that this should go in the same journal, Meanwhile, I have obtained rather nice linkage data on the Hy locus: 70 to 80 per cent linkage to the "arom" locus for 7 and : : cuz, Hr Hi Sos" Sweet . the synthesis of phenylalanine and tyrosine: gt 50% Lex @ 5/5 ? Vai Re the Salmonella - Serratia hybrid for density gradient "A oc, you wrote about. In my opinion the possibilities of obtaining bag it are rather poor. However, with the purpose being excellent, I have done the following: immunized a rabbit with Serratia SM 6-11S (of Baron), to get an immobilising antiserum. Crossed several of my best 5S, abony Hfr’s with SM 6-11 in a number of Lite, of soft NA+ Sm + antiserum, or soft minimal agar + antiserum (you can’t use gelatin with Serratia). So far no swarms have been produced, Iino wrote me about Salmonella hybrids alternating between bienx:i:1.2. He apparently has had better luck than I - I feel that his selection of recipient was the thing. It will be most exciting to hear of his results with these hybrids. We enjoyed Gan’s visit here a lot. He also gave a very good talk on his work which seems to be a very good and beautifully done bit of work, We have also seen a number of other people, the Canns stopped here on their Scandinavian tour - they are apparently happily settled down in Milan - and the Mitchisons spent most of their vacation with us, Yours Mele