MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Telegrams: ‘NATINMED, MILL, LONDON.’ Telephone: MILL HILL 3666 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH, THE RIDGEWAY, MILL HILL, LONDON, N.W.7. PRIVY COUNCIL 12th August, 1960. Dr. Je Merberg, Stanford University, Palo Alto, Dept. of Genetics, California, U.S.A. Dear Josh, The misunderstanding was on my part; I find a note in the file that I should send the plate counts on the experiment on pair- formation. The details are attached, and also the details for table 1 which are referred to in the text but would be clearer if included in the table. Two or three queries, on which we had not made a decision, are noted but they seem unimportant ones. The Institute of Biology has asked if I will give a paper on dangers‘of in.erplanetary contamination at a space biology collo- quium in September: This my get published, as the Director thinks it needs publicity. When it is finished I will send a type- script - it will largely be borrowings from your ideas I am afraid! Am getting more interested in longevity of bacteria in nature, and hope to get some suitable material. Paul Ehrlich and I may try the NSF for the grasshopper glacier. More on this in due course. Yukinori is here and we plan tc meet in a day or two. Joan sends, with me, our warmest wishes to you both, and to all at Stanford,