Auguet 4, 1956 Dr. Erwin Chargaff Biochemistry, Fes New York 32, N.Y. Dear Erwin: Your letter of the 23d followed m back to Madison, (I had been at Woods Hole). I am enclosing an ms. on the use of penicillin for producing proto- plasts. Norton Zinder has found the waysnof using lysozyme on E. coli— you might wish to contact him at the Rockefeller Institute. We are both interested in the possibility of using protoplasts as sources and recipients of genetic fragments in transduction experimnts. If you learn any tricks on the preparat ion of DNA or DNA~-protedn with these materhals, I wold be moh obliged to hear about them. Z am also sending some other reprints; could I pry some loose from you? Yours sincerely, Josma Lederberg Professor of Genetics