¥- 30 -o7 - EOE Atcacesede ete Lote 4 U Wit y}iel | Boy 5 Us I have discussed this item with Dean Bowers and told him MEMORANDUM TO DR. FRED that we were unwilling to make a commitment at this time to take over Dr. Atwood at the end of five years unless he could point to some pending retirement in the Medical School which might provide the funds to pay Dr. Atwood. In the first conference Dr. Bowers thought this would be possible. In the second conference he reported that he had been unable to discover any pending retirement which he thought could be used for this purpose. I told Dr. Fowers that we would much prefer to have him start with a younger individual and with no implication of permanent tenure. If such a younger individual proved to be a "blue ribbon horse" the matter of University tenure could be decided at that time. Dr. Bowers told me that the reason for suggesting Dr. Atwood was because of Dr. Lederberg's interest in Dr. Atwood plus the favorable impression he made when visiting here. Dr. Bowers also told me that he had no assurance that Dr. Atwood would accept a position here should one be offered to him. In view of the above, I told Dr. Bowers that this application would be held until I could talk with you. ORE I. L. Baldwin Vice President of Academic Affairs August 28, 1957 LS ee Late, Khe Att 2 ee wef mee Org & Eerte ced fe LO he tet Lor Et Ok we eo be Diba tpt AOA A tal afm Dad AER me nS - by. BAL Ot aby al ve ween es ee eee . eg - 4 OR, rare Ag. ead! oo Lt awa lt Beco tet EP LA Leg PE vetlel fo ata Medea bot é ) of Wes