TEL No. Mar .10,95 9:24 P.Ul UNIVERSILY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO BERKELEY © TAVIS, © ERVINT © TOS ANGELES «RIVERSIDE = SAN DIEGO) © SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA = # SANTA CRUZ DR. IRA TERSKOWIT?. PROEESSOK AND CHAIRMAN DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY ANP BIOVIYSIS SCHOXE, OT MIDLINE: SAN FRANCISCO, GAT IFORNIA 94143-0448 (415) 476.4977 VAX (415) 476-0943 March 10, 1995 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021-6399 FAX 212 327-8651 page one of one page Dear Dr. Lederberg, I am involved in having my father's 'principles of Genet~- jos" film series transferred to tape so that these valuable films will be preserved and made available to interested geneticists and historians of science. As you may know, Bonnie Kaiser saved Hunter College's nearly complete get from disappearing, and now the Rockefeller Archive Center has graciously agreed to store them in their special vauits. Working with Darwin Stapleton, we have been able to obtain the missing filme from Victor McKusick, s0 now we are ready to begin the transfers. Our current plan is to do transfers of five films and make a 5-10 minute sampler from them to send around to people to raise the requisite $40,000-$50,000 for the full project. Before we do these transfers, we need to establish who is the holder of the copyrights for these films. Darwin suggest- ed that you might have saved relevant information from when you participated in this series. If you have anything that might be useful, &.g., a contract that you signed with my father, with the Calvin Company (the people who did the film~ ing), or with McGraw-Hill, I would greatly appreciate receiv- ing @ copies, . Thanks very much. Sincerely, ee eee Dr. Ira Herskowitz Professor and Chairman, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics Head, Division of Genetics