Columbia Qnibersity College of Bbhpsicians and Surgeons 630 WEST 168TH STREET NEW YORK 32, N. Y. DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY CELL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY July 23, 1956 OFFICE: ROOM 12-201 TEL. WADSWORTH 3-2500 EXT. 7479 Avi 4 = 1956 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisc. Dear Josh: Recently in Ann Arbor I heard wonders about the various ways of getting protoplasts from E. coli of which you seem to be the prime perpetrator. We are very interested in trying out such methods in connection with our attempts to get bacterial micleoproteins. I understand some procedures made use of lysozyme (with or without versene), others of penicillin. If your method is Not classified, could you give me the recipe, if possible so foolproof that even I could do it? For certain purposes we should like to isolate the proto-— plasts, for others this is not so important: what has been so nicely called a shockate would do. There are two difficulties to consider: (a) our work being preparatory we have to be able to handle large quan- tities of cells; (b) we are lousy bacteriologists, not even deserving of this proud name. With kindest regards, sincerely yours, Erwin Chargaffi eb