April 30, 1960 Dr James F Crow Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Vadison, 6, Wisconsin Dear Jim: Just one brief interruption. Through an oversight, ‘icGraw-Hill neglected to send me a contract on the Herskowitz film project until some weeks aco. when I saw it, I balked at the scope of the restrictions on partécipating in the most remotely competkétive project for a the long duration of the contract, and I suggested some provisos - that, I felt, still protected their partisular interest in these fkrsx films. ' I was rather annoyed that McG-H. so far parried rather than answerei to these ' suggestions, and we ami are still corresponding. It occurred to me that you might have had a material concenn (mine is rather academic -- no plans for any more movies!) in view of your work on the Disney Science production. Did you make some special accomodation with McO-Hill about that? 4 Esther and I are just back from a couple of weeks in London; our new house 4s almost finished -- both mgammm reasons we may miss the SLC symposium, but eral other people from Stanford will be going,-- DNA is transforming B.. btilis beautifully, but coli not at all; coming this summer: Luca Cavalli months) and Av Mitchigon (6 mos.) a Many thanks for your note about 4A view"; for a different view, see a letter ‘by Carl Lindegren in a forthcoming issue; in retrospect, I see many gaps in the _,. perspective of that paper, but that's what a "view® is/ AR As ever, —_" PS: Will you have to go out to LA again?; if so mkk why hot come back this way?