THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY pro bono humanis generis 1230 YORK AVENUE - NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10021-6399 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT December 28, 1987 Sir Gustav J. D. Nossal Hall Institute Melbourne Dear Gus: Following up on the enclosed, I’m trying to assemble my papers for other "chapters" of memoir. I am having a lot of nostalgic pleasure going over our correspondence ca. 1957 - 1961, those early days of antibody-formation theory. I do have some problem, not having kept up with all the experiments; but can I ask you a couple of questions? 1) I don’t suppose you kept the early drafts of our paper that came out in Nature, 1958. It’s hard to make sense of some of our discussion without that. 2) What’s the last word, from our now comfortable retrospection, about 1 or 2 antibodies per cell? Not just current theory, but how to understand the exptl. results, yours & Cohn-Attardi included. Should we just put all the complication down to the methodological problems of getting clean cells and the quantitative aspects of assay? 3) At what point (if any prior to monoclonal antibodies) did the die-hards give in? Please do point me to your own retrospective writings that I should attend most closely. All the best, oshua Lederberg srehar’ “12/28 Joa pr Vg ey