o TIC REKERAAAAAKEKER Departaent of Medical Genetics Ds ” oo IF “Pan? ao ; May 21, 1957 Mr. Dennis Flanagan sodas tpezicee n Avenue New York 17y,y. Dear Mr. Flanagan: I am enclosing a first of a prospective article on L-forme. I am very well aware that it pelishing{ ani,as far as I have tise during the next few months, would like to do my best. i am eemiing it to at this time to obtain your advice as to the level of presentation. In fact, I have purposely included just a bit more detéAl than the level I was aiming at. 2 . The first, ani last paragraphs don't particularly appeal to me; if they irri- tate you too they will be weworked. —\, For the figures, I had thought of having 1A (enclosure); 1B (a small colony of ordimry bacteria for comparison; 2: sketches or photographs of the growth of a protoplast by blebe; 3: possibly some of the chemical structures of things like DAP and uridine-diphosphate~mainc-suger. I am least certain about the utility of 3. The final photos will be better than the sample. fo the ‘further references! I hope you don't slip in Joshua, vi:20. The readers can figure thet out for themselves. I hope that these preliminaries serve a useful purpose. I have kept a copy; you oan use ons of the enclosed copies for remarks. It will save time if you don't go too such beyond what I'm asking you to do at this round. As I indicated earlier, I would not wish this article to appear in print in S.A. before the technioal article has been published. My guess for that would be about Febr-Apr 1958. What would your time-table for such an article be in that case? If ne- cessary, I can probably give you the fing] ms. before I leave for Australia in August. If there's stil) some more time in December, ac much the better.