Bacteriology Dept. September 5, 1957 Dear Régerti fhank you fot your letter and the ms. copy. I hyve gotten to these as soon as I could. As you: suggested, I have just sent a cor- rected copy to Miss St. @lair. She will arrange to have the new -vergion retyped and forwarded to you. The division of opinion by the reviewers was just phat I smyx would have predicted, and I am not sure I disagree with the more critical of the two, However, as I pointed out earlier, this is in the nature df a stylisyic experiment, and wa I will be: interested to see the outcome in terms of general sritical response. I do not believe the list of references should be curtailed: in the nature of the work, it has to take account of a great many pre- cedents. If anything, I am uneasy that I may have overlooked or underplayed other relevant studies. The suggestions of the first reviewer were most constructive, and I have adopted virtually all of them. May I ask you to convey my thanks? In a few places, I considered an active verd preceded _by first person pronoun preferable to tha conventional passive form, and ratained the former, This could be altered too without great loss. I am assuming that the ms. will be accepted in its revised form & hope you will have received this in timeto forestall any delay. We have had a mast interesting trip and are now settled for our job of work here. I was particularly intrigued by some simplified _methods that Fazekas has worked out for culture of 'flu virus and am listening attentively to Burnet's colleagues on their work on its genetics. There has been quite a flurry here about ‘the Asian' and the Sydney newspapers made quite a play over a few cases of staphylococcal pneumonia associated with flu: the headlines were blazing with the "GOLDEN DEATH". The epidemic is pretty well over now; we should feel the full force of it in the US this winter. It has not been an especially severe disease (with rare exceptions) but the incidence hes been very high -- from 10 to 60% in indi» idual local outbreaks, and by now virtually everyone here has had it. Esther had rather a prolonged siege (diagnosis?}péssibly compounded by unheated houses in a marginal winter Climates; so far I've not, and I just hope some minor catarrh a few weeks ago was it. The vaccinations don't appear to have been especially effective. Have a good holiday yourself. Yours, Joshua Lederberg P.S. I have no special nominations now for the Board. My principal ogndidates have all gotten on,