Cohunbia Gnibersitp inthe City of NewPork INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF HUMAN VARIATION AND FOR RESEARCH ON THE BIOLOGICAL FACTORS CAUSING EVOLUTIONARY CHANGES IN POPULATIONS August 8, 1955 Prof. d. Lederberg Deot. of Genetics University of ‘“isconscin Wadison, Wisconsin Dear Joshua, Last Saturday noon I missed you for a few seconds and@ was not able to ask your permission for borrowing your caper on (tes, Here it ie 2 5 ae back with one hundred per cent interest. Thunk you for the kind letter to Dr. Hausuka: I am looting forward to meeting him and in the meantitte I am reading and studying his papers. I hope thus that I shall impress him better than I impressed you! honest- ly, last week I could remember nothing about bacterial senetics. (You mentioned to me that the antigenic complex of E.12 could ve an ideal sys tem for the study of some fundamental problems regarding gene-antizen: i quite agree and moreover Luca tauzht me trit you ire alw3ys rizht. Have you some definite ideas in mind? Can you suszzect to me any svecial paper on the subject? I very much appreciated how friendly Zalbn you have received me in Madison. Yours sincerely,,. Rug SPS ose Fe. 5. +o you “now Dr. ‘iosley of the Sloan-kettering? I could spend sowe tite there but I doubt if it is the best place for basic nro>lens.