ho THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY pro bono humani generis 1230 YORK AVENUE - NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10021-6399 Joshua Lederberg UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR January 9, 1996 Dr. John J. Mekalanos Harvard Univ Dept Microbiol & Molec Genet, School of Medicine Boston, MA 02115 Dear Dr, Mekalanos: I have wanted, for some time, to communicate to you how much excitement and admiration you elicited on my part by your work and publications on IVET. Your study on "Use of Genetic-Recombination as a Reporter of Gene-Expression." struck a particular chord, as I have been interested in phase variation in Salmonella for 40+ years. I have wondered many times whether that natural event wasn’t hurried along by some influence of environmental stress on the existing promoters of the recombinase. I am sure there will be innumerable practical implications of your new discovery, beyond what they uncover as basic science. I hope to have the chance to hear more about such developments as they ensue. With best wishes, ours sin y, oshua Lederberg