Oatober 3, 1955 Mr. Dael Wolfle Adminintrative Secretary Science 1515 Mensachusette Avenue, N.7. Washington 5, D.C. Dear Mr. Wolfle: Thank you for your message of September 29. I have taken the opportunity to male some revisions along the lines suggested; I hope they will help to clarify the issues. I nope this letter is not going to be taken as a rebuttal in a polemic debate. I realize that a report on an ddolated article cannot take the tine to cower all sides; it may not have been realised that the interpretations here were controversial. Indeed, I am willing to concede that the claims of Jacob ani Wollman ae correst, as concerns the effect of mechanical disruption, but I feel there is alao some possibility of one or more alternative inter- pretations. My letter should help to completes the picture. , It is suggested that the news report is not an “editorial”. It may help to minisise some readers’ confusion on this point (inoluddng mine) if 1% were more definitely indicated what was quotation and what was the reviewer's view- point. If nothing else, the prefatory memarke by MHA show that both are repre- sented. For this reason, I would save the adverb "editorially" in the lst. sentence. I had hoped that Dr. Glass would give me the benefit of his own advice on. the letter, which is why I sent it through hia. It might have been sore appro- priate to send it directly to you, ani I assume I should continue any corres- pendence with yourself, accordingly. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Profesaor of Genstics COs MHA