Dustitut Pasteur 28, RUE DU Dr ROUX - PARIS xvet PARIS , le 21 janvier 1957 TEL. + SEGUR 01-10 Dr. J. LEDERBERG Dept of Genetics University of Wisconsin MADISON Dear Josh, It was nice to hear from Boris Ephrussi that Ester and you will be able to come in Paris next March. This letter is therefore to invite you to give a talk at the Club de Physiolo- gie cellulaire, which has a monthly session at the Institut de Biologie physico-chimique, 11 rue Pierre Curie. Generally, the sessions are all on Friday evening at 6 P.M. Exceptionally, if Friday was not convenient for you, I could probably change the day and arrange it for Tuesday March 12 as you wrote to Boris. These are very informal meetings where various aspects of physiology are discussed. Sessions are in French, but every- body will helpljif you have troubles with your French. As Boris told you, we can give! 60,000 frances to cover both Ester's and your trip from London to Paris as well as your stay here for several days. The problem of getting an exchange order from Air France appears to involve many difficulties. We have to fill many forms in order to make an application. We shall probably not get it, and if we get it, it could take a long time. Ma I suggest one of a3 possibility at your convenience 1) you can take care of 60,000 francs and exchange them here Fy PHL Raver Bf ta cps . ? ° Zo Act Lacy! frtf ¢ 2) We can buy for you,London~Paris-London reuntreé tickets on Air France for the time you want # and send them to you and you take care of the difference. wee J ove Justitut Pasteur 28, RUE DU Dr ROUX - PARIS xve TEL. : SEGUR 01-10 4 4 4 af Ay mn 3) We can exchange the’ 60,000 francs against dollars through an American worker’ who will send you a cheque in Madison. However, the rate of exchange might be rather low (something like 410 - 420 francs). Please tell me as soon as possible whether you can give your talk on a Friday and whether you prefer Tuesday ? And which financial solution you favored. We are looking forward to see you. Best regards to both of you, Francois JACOB