UNIVERSITE DE PARIS FACULTE DES SCIENCES January 16, 1956 LABORATOIRE nz GENETIQUE 13, RUE PIERRE CURIE, PARIS V° Tél. : ODEon 16-40 Professor J. Lederberg Department of Genetics Universigy of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin U.S.A. , Dear Josh, I was very happy to receive your letter of January 7 and to see that things are taking shape and that we will have the pleasure of seeing you here. , I handed your letter over to Francois Jacob, who is running the Club this year and is making all the attending arrangements? no doubt, you will hear from him in a day or two. I am sorry B26 was a desappointment to you, but we have not used or tested this strain since about 1952 : all this time it was sitting in a refrigerator. However, I do hope to re-test its genetype in a few weeks and will then let you know. Wiff,._ knid regards to both of you from both of us, As ever, Ay Boris ono