October 26, 1956 Dr. G E. W. Wolstenholme The Ciba Foundation Dear Dr. Wolstenhojme: Thank younfor your commnication on the program for the forth- coming Symposium on drug-resistance. As I indic&&ed earlier, I would be unable (owing to other commitments) to prepare a paper for publi- cation and it is therefore appropriate that I not be placed on the program for a formal contribution, I trust however that there wiil be some time for informal discussion-- I have, for example, some evidence on the action of penicillin [as an inhibitor of bacter1al wall-synthesis ] and ite relationship to protoplasts and L-forms that might be pertinent. My wife will be accompanying me— as she is my most important collaborator (or vice verse) I trust she will join in the sessions as weil. Our trip to Australia has been definitely set to start June 1, so it now has ho direct bearing on the present meeting. Part of mp concern over the sufficiency of travel funds has arisen from our desire to make this trip together, as we have many scientific acquain- tances in common in London. The $650 you propose is a very generous allowance, amd we will be greteful and content with it. I hope you wili not take it amiss that I am still trying $o perééct our arrangements-— if it were pos- sible, for example, for the Ciha to offer Pfrst-class—passage (ahich is $894) Madison-London RT) the addition:1 tinds would wssure our joint parti- cipation. If this is not possible, other arrangegents wiil be sought, and we will he none the less appraciztive, Yours sincerely, f o