BENSON FORD PRF 51DENT ROBIN C. BUERK! EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Henry Sord Hospital International Symposium Enzymes: Units of Biological Structure and Sanction PROGRAM COMMITTEE Advisory: CARL F. CORI WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY ST. Louis, M(ssourl DAVID E. GREEN UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON, WISCONSIN ALBERT L. LEHNINGER JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY BALTIMORE, MARYLAND ELMER H. STOTZ UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER ROCHESTER, NEW YORK ARNOLD D. WELCH YALE UNIVERSITY NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT Local: OLIVER H. GAEBLER, CHAIRMAN CLARENCE E. RUPE, SECRETARY BROCK £. BRUSH PAUL R. DUMKE DONALD G. REMP THOMAS P. SINGER DETROIT 2, MICHIGAN March 23, 1955 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: Your letter of February 21 was so stimulating that I am almost tempted to ask whether you would pre- fer to conduct a panel, incorporating a number of the ideas and the men you mentioned. In connection with the "one to one" theory you mention Dr. Charles Yanofsky, and in connection with Dr. Hotchkiss's topic, Dr. S. Zamenhof and Dr. T. Puck. Aliso your comments concerning a finel contribu- tion by br. James Neei on the "mutant hemoglobins" brought to mind that,during earlier stages of the pro- gram, we had attempted to make the last session one of a type in which this subject would be included. Cur- rently we are considering several possible replacements for Dr. Goldstein, who may be unable to come. Hence the blank space on the enclosed latest revision of the tentative program. The topic "Regulation of Enzyme Activity" would seem, however, to exclude the possi- bility of including a paper by Dr. Neel at that point. Dr. Lehninger and Dr. Bernard Davis had the most to do with the program for the first day. The comments which I have made in this letter are entirely my own, Since they arose from the reeding of your letter. However, if you have any preferences concerning the organization of the last part of the First Afternoon Session, please be free to let me know so that I can take them up with the above mentioned members of the advisory Program Committee. Very sincerely yours, OHG:dr O. H. Gaebler enc. . Program Committee