BENSON FORD PRESIDENT ROBIN C. BUERKI EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Henry Ford Hospital International Symposium Enzymes: Units of Biological Structure and Sanction PROGRAM COMMITTEE Advisory: CARL F. CORI WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY ST. Louis, MissourR! DAVID E. GREEN UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON, WISCONSIN ALBERT L. LEHNINGER JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY BALTIMORE, MARYLAND ELMER H. STOTZ UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER ROCHESTER, NEW YORK ARNOLD D. WELCH YALE UNIVERSITY NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT Local: OLIVER H. GAEBLER, CHAIRMAN CLARENCE E. RUPE, SECRETARY BROCK £. BRUSH PAUL R. DUMKE DONALD G. REMP THOMAS P. SINGER DETROIT 2, MICHIGAN February 16, 1955 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics The University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: We are glad to know that you would like to par- ticipate in the Symposium planned for next November, unless other obligations meke it impossible for you to do so. In the program as a whole, only three par- ticipants remain to be heard from; the rest have accepted, so you would be assured of meeting many acquaintances and colleagues. In the first two ses- Sions, all acceptances are final excepting your own, and we hope you can make it unanimous. After considering the various difficulties that stand in the way of your coming, I am wondering whether the nature of the assignment may not have been the principal one. Would you prefer to suggest a definite topic, based upon your own studies, so that you could determine beforehand what to cover, and present a manuscript at the customary time? Should you prefer the present arrangement, we would be glad to have your presentation appear as a "Commentary," which seems to be an excellent desig- nation. Also, in this event, a manuscript available a month after the Symposium would be setisfactory, since, even under constant pressure from the publish- ers, it has proven difficult to get in all of the discussion in that time. General discussion is recorded, but naturally requires extensive editing. As attendance at the Symposium will be by invitation only, we wonder if, at your earliest convenience, you could send us the names of any workers in your particular field whom you would like to have included on our guest list. We hope to send out invitations, along with preliminary programs, some time in March or April. BENSON FORD PRESIDENT Henry Sord Hospital International Symposium Enzymes: Units of Biological Structure and Sanction PROGRAM COMMITTEE Advisory: CARL F. CORI WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY ST. Lours, MissourRt DAVID E. GREEN UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON, WISCONSIN ALSERT L. LEHNINGER JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY BALTIMORE, MARYLAND ELMER H. STOTZ UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER ROCHESTER, NEW YORK ARNOLD D. WELCH YALE UNIVERSITY NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT Local: OLIVER H. GAEBLER, CHAIRMAN CLARENCE E. RUPE, SECRETARY BROCK E. BRUSH PAUL R. DUMKE DONALD G. REMP THOMAS P. SINGER DETROIT 2, MICHIGAN J. Lederberg -2- February 16, 1955 For your convenience we are enclosing a hotel reservation card. Please return this directly to the Hotel Statler, if you desire accommodations in Detroit. Since it will be necessary for me to contact the Advisory members of the Program Committee with reference to another speaker in case you find it impossible to come, I hope that you can inform me of your decision at an early date. Very truly yours, Stee — O. H. Gaebler Program Committee OHG:dr enc. ROBIN C. BUERKI EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR