January 27, 1955 Dr. Q, R. Gaebler Renry Ford Hospital Detroit 2, Michigan Dear Dr. Gaebler: Thank you very mich for your cordial invitation to attend the symposium next November. I have had an opportunity to discuss the plan with Or. Green, ami have also heard from Bernard Davis on the mtter. As you mist be able to judge from the tentative assign- ment, I know very little about the subject, and the symposium would be an opportunity to educate myself and to meet many old friends. Z should like to accept your invitation, but unfortunately I cannot give an unmjualified acceptance, for two reasons: a committees meeting that I would have to attend (but which probably, but not cer- tainly, will prove pot to conflict in time) and more depressing, the likelihood that at that particular season I will be more than usually distracted with other general obligations. I would well understand if anything but an unqualified acceptance were unsuitable. In view of the tenuous assignment that was scheduled, however, I hoped you might con- sider accepting a qualified reply, namely, that I could not definitely contract to coms, but that I would 4f possible. If you would prefer to schedule another speaker who could be sure of attending, please just let ma know. "Critical suaming up" may be too optimistic a description of ay own contribution. I would prefer simply "Commentary", and leave it to the audience to decide whether it proves wither summary or critical. Since my text will depend on the other speakers' remarks, may I request an exception to your rule on mss. being available at the time of the meting, if at all? Whether or not I can enjoy it myself, you have an outstanding roster and I am sure the aymposium will be an unqualified success. ours besa ofessor of Gene 3 derberg cs