September 27, 1966 . Dear Dr. Dianes: Firet let me thank you for directing not only the various cultures, but also Dr. Sharp, to the lab. here. I had a most enjoyable and infor mative discussion with hig. We are finally learning how to grow£ the L colonies of FE. coli K-12. The experience with Proteus was invaluable for this purpose. Then we managed to handle ancther ooli strain, and finally K-12 iteelf. There were a number of ridiculous, empirical variables: the exact recipe for the nukrient broth base, the freshness of the Mgt+peniciliin solutions, and worst of all the immxtak batch of Difco agar. Finally, we found a lot of New Zealand agar which is the best of all. Since writing that note for PNAS, which should be in print at any moaent I have been finding that the use of penioillin + a protective (hypertonic) medium has been anticipated several times for the production of "protoplaste". The only distinction I oan claim for the data of that note are 1) the use of BE. coli, 2) the semantios, which was not entirely clear to m then, ani 3) the quantitetive and enaymological features. [There is, for example, a report by Bonifas, Schw. Ztechr.Path. Bakt.,17,525 "Influw nce de la pression cemotique sarele maintien en milieu liquide penicillins, d'une souche de Proteus sous sa Form 1", which we must both have missed until recently — ay lead to it was the aiteer good account of Liebermeister & Kellenberger, quoted in the enclomire j. I have also had many discussions, including with Dr. Sharp, conwebning | the implication for mechaniam of penicillin action. His data on the carbo- hydrate content of stabilised L-forms are very impressive, but I gather you and he do not necessarily agree with ay prhposal. The mechanism of stabilisas tion of L-forms is a provocative problem, and a feature which has no direct explanation from this proposal, but I feel 1t is a separate probleg. If we can get such steble L{s from the ooli mutants, it deuld be possible to define their genetic basis. I had hoped that the {{aplications from the one sentence in the discussion in the PNAS note would be sufficiently clear, but evidently they are sot to a number of people I have talked with— and there is still so much nonsense about penicillin floating around, all based on studies of disrupted cells! At any rage, I am planning to submit the enclosed as a note for J. Bact. With best regards, Yrs. sincerely, Joshua Lederberg