September 27, 1956 Dr. J. T. Park Arny Medical Graduate Sohool Walter Seed Hospital Washington 12, D.C. Dear Dr. Park: I would be grateful to ypu for reprinte of your studies on accumlation of uridine derivatives in bacteria. Marv Johnson may have told you something of our current studies on protoplasts and L-formsa, which, I suspect may be made to tie in wery nicely with your leading observations. I did mention this question briefly in a note, in press in PNAS, on the fsx forsation of protoplasts, but have thought it advisable to spell it out more clearly, as in the enclosure which is being sent to J. Bact. If I ve overlooked any work of yours, or anyone else's, that ought to be brought out explicitly within the compass of a very brief contribution, I would appreciate hearing of it. We have almost simultaneously gotten involved in uridine derivatives from a completely different angle: you aust know of Kalckar's recent work on galactosemia; anyhow, we had been studying gal actose-megative mtants of E. coli from another ahgle, and Kurahashi looked at them enzymatioally in Kalckar's lab. Some of them lack galactokinase, others the UDP-Gal transferase (GQal~P + UPP-Glu —~ Glu-P + UPPRoGal). So far, none of the mutants have been blocked in the epimsrase, and we're wondering if such a defect might not have other drastic consequences. It would be invaluable to our genetic work if | there could be devised som crude but quick “ppot-test" or the like for the presence/absence of some of the relevant enzymes; any suggestions wuld be gratefully received, Youre einoerely, Br te /Joubua Lederberg, “ Professor of Gend ties