January 2, 1955 Me. William H. Freeman W. H. Freeman ani Company San Francisco Dear Bill: Thank you for the trouble you took in your last letter. I realize that you really could not answer the questions I posed, but I am as sure now as ever that we have a sympathetic outlook on the publication project. We are, therefore, happy to return the contracts with our signatures. The following comments will be assumed to be understood as conditions of the agreement. While all the business arrangements should be handled with mi, as a matter of convenience, "GENETIOS AND CHEMOTHERAPY" is a joint enter- prise of which, as atated on the chapter outline, Luca (Dr. Cavalli) 1s the senior author, and should be cited as such. In addition, it should be under- stood (I assume without any question) that section IX, lasts has no application to research articles or reviews in scientific per » nor to the work on "Comparative Genetica" which Sonneborn and I have been discussing with you for some time, Luca's address in Italy ia: Dott. Luigi Cavalli-Sforza, Istituto Sisroterapico Milanese, Via Darwin 20, Milano, Italia. However, as stated above, all business womaunications can be made with me, for my own part, and as agent for him. We. have agreed to divide royalties equally. When the time comas, any checks can be written to his order (for his part) and sent to me. With best wishes, Yours sincerely, f Sy jJgperterg f° f